Rules of conduct for passengers at the airport in order to prevent and prevent the spread of coronovirus infection
Rules of conduct for passengers at the airport
1. Passengers and persons accompanying them, when entering the terminal, must use personal protective equipment (masks, gloves).
2. Passengers at the airport use disinfectants located on the ground floor of the terminal.
3. A short stay (more than 2 hours) in the terminal building, with the exception of passengers (availability of tickets for transportation) and their attendants.
4. It is desirable to have the number of accompanying persons in the terminal.
5. Observance by passengers of a social distance of 1.5 - 2 meters.
6. Upon admission to the airport terminal, made by thermometry by a thermal imager, if the sound and light signal of the thermal imager is triggered, please wait for the paramedic of the health center and follow his instructions.
Preventive measures for civil aviation passengers, with the phased end of the anti-epidemic restrictions.
Stage 1.
1. Passengers are allowed on board the aircraft in protective masks and gloves, which are not allowed to be removed during the entire flight. On flights longer than 3 hours, a scheduled replacement of masks is carried out by the flight attendants distributing and collecting used protective masks. Used masks are collected in a sealed container for subsequent disinfection and disposal.
2. In the cabin of the aircraft, passengers take off their outer clothing and place it on the carry-on luggage rack, except for air transportation in regions with negative outside temperatures and depending on the type of aircraft used. It is not allowed to take out outerwear during the flight without a good reason and informing a member of the cabin crew.
3. Boarding of passengers on board an aircraft and disembarking passengers from an aircraft is carried out in compliance with social distancing measures, taking into account the infrastructure capabilities of the airport.
4. Non-contact thermometry is carried out on the boarding control line or at boarding, passengers with elevated body temperature are not allowed on board. At the entrance to the aircraft, passengers disinfect their gloved hands with disposable wipes with an antiseptic, which are subsequently disposed of in a special container. When filled, the container is hermetically sealed and handed over to airport ground services for decontamination and disposal.
5. The movement of passengers in the cabin is limited, with the exception of visiting the sanitary and hygienic unit. The "fasten seat belts" mode is maintained during the entire flight.
6. The queue to the sanitary block is controlled by the flight attendant to maintain social distance and the "fasten your seat belts" mode.
7. Meals on flights are provided either in sealed individual packaging or must be warmed up on board. Cold drinks are delivered on board the aircraft in individual packaging. Hot and cold drinks are individually provided to passengers on board the aircraft in individual disposable tableware.
8. Meals, including children's meals, drinks brought by passengers on board the aircraft must be in sealed packaging only (not opened).
Stage 2.
1. Passengers are allowed on board the aircraft in protective masks and gloves, which are not allowed to be removed during the entire flight. On flights longer than 3 hours, masks are replaced on a scheduled basis by the flight attendants distributing and collecting used protective masks. Used masks are collected in a sealed container for subsequent disinfection and disposal.
2. In the cabin of the aircraft, passengers take off their outer clothing and place it on the carry-on luggage rack, except for air transportation in regions with negative outside temperatures and depending on the type of aircraft used. It is not allowed to take out outerwear during the flight without a good reason and without informing the cabin crew member.
3. Boarding of passengers on board an aircraft and disembarking passengers from an aircraft is carried out in compliance with social distancing measures, taking into account the infrastructure capabilities of the airport.
4. Non-contact thermometry is carried out on the boarding control line or at boarding, passengers with elevated body temperature are not allowed on board. At the entrance to the aircraft, passengers disinfect their gloved hands with disposable wipes with an antiseptic, which are subsequently disposed of in a special container. When filled, the container is hermetically sealed and handed over to airport ground services for decontamination and disposal.
5. Restrictions remain on the movement of passengers in the cabin, with the exception of visiting the sanitary unit. The "fasten your seat belts" mode is used in the standard mode.
6. The queue to the sanitary block is controlled by the flight attendant to maintain social distance and the "fasten your seat belts" mode.
7. Meals on flights are provided either in sealed individual packaging or must be warmed up on board. Cold drinks are delivered on board the aircraft in individual packaging. Hot and cold drinks are individually provided to passengers on board the aircraft in individual disposable tableware.
8. Meals, including children's meals, drinks brought by passengers on board the aircraft must be in sealed packaging only (not opened).
Step 3.
1. Boarding of passengers on board is carried out according to the usual recipe without restrictions.
2. Non-contact temperature monitoring of passengers on the boarding control line (at the entrance to the board) is cancelled.
3. The "fasten your seat belts" mode is used in the standard mode.
4. Restrictions on visiting the sanitary and hygienic block are removed.
5. The usual meal plan on the flight is restored.
6. Passengers observe the mask regime and the wearing of gloves throughout the flight if a passenger is found on board with an elevated temperature and symptoms of an infectious disease.